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The Interceptor is one of three entities within Cosmic Reach as of Pre-Alpha 0.1.48. It was added in Pre-Alpha 0.1.37.


A Interceptor in game, with the background being transparent
An Interceptor in-game

The Interceptor is a black metallic drone, composed of a main body in the shape of a cube, four small legs, eight rotary blades, and a red visor. The Interceptor's texture resembles that of a Metal Panel as it is some kind of "Killer Drone".


Interceptors do not spawn randomly, and are only spawned when a player is within range of a trap.

The Interceptor will attempt to fly directly toward the player. Once close enough, it will make a charging attack and damage the player, eventually killing them. It can be destroyed in one hit, instantly disappearing and dropping a random block from a pre-defined list. It only drops full blocks, as stair and slab variants can currently be obtained via the swap key, set by default to `.

It is possible to tame an Interceptor by clicking it with a Gold Ingot. This will turn the eye of the Interceptor green, and it will no longer attack the player that tamed it. Instead, it will now attack other hostile interceptors, which currently do not retaliate against its attacks.


Interceptors can drop Medkits, Gabbro, Gravel, C4, Aluminium Panels, Asphalt, Snow, Metal Panels, Limestone, Lunar Soil, Cheese, and Hazards. The chances of each item are mostly even, except for Medkits, which are twice as abundant as any other. It also has a very low chance to drop Gold ingots.