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The player is the main controlled character in the game. The player does not have visual appearance.



Players are able to walk by pressing the Movement buttons (defaults: W, A, S, D), moving at the default speed of 3.333 block/sec.


Players can sprint while they moving by pressing the Sprint button (default: L Ctrl). While in this mode your speed is 6.666 blocks/second.

Wall Running

A demonstration of wall running in Cosmic Reach

If a player were to run up against a wall, they can slide or run down it.


Players can crouch using the Crouch button (default: L Shift). This changes the player height to 1.45 blocks tall and your movement speed to 2 blocks/second.
While in this mode, you can't fall from block corners.


A demonstration of crawling through 1 block spaces in Cosmic Reach

Players can crawl using the Prone button (default: Z). This changes the player height to 0.95 blocks tall and their movement speed is also changed to 0.8 blocks/second.
In this mode, you can enter in 1-block tall openings.


Players can jump by tapping the Jump button (default: Space). The player can jump up to 1 block height.

No Clip

Players can no clip through blocks and fly around by using the No Clip button (default: F4). Pressing the Jump button (default: Space) will make the player go up and the Crouch button (default: L Shift) will instead make the player go down. Additionally players can press the Sprint button (default: L Ctrl) to double their flying speed.

Movement Stats
Mode Speed (block/sec) Height (blocks tall) Eye-Height (blocks tall)
Walking (default) 3.333... 1.9 1.8
Sprinting 6.666...
Crouching 2 1.45 1.37
Crawling 0.8 0.95 0.9



A player can highlight a block that is up to six blocks far. Right-clicking with the desired block selected in the hotbar will place a block in parallel with the face the player's cursor is at of the highlighted block. In addition, blocks can be removed by left-clicking. The player can get a highlighted block by clicking the middle mouse button.


The player can cycle through the item types of the current block he has, switching between slabs, blocks, and stairs.

Block Events

Blocks can receive an interaction from the player by right-clicking. This triggers an action that is configurable.


  • Wall jumping had been added. However, FinalForEach noticed a bug and shelved the idea until a fix could be found.[1]
  • Entering an area less than 2 blocks high will cause the player to adopt the appropriate posture (either crawling or crouching).
