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Blocks are the structural foundation of every Cosmic Reach's world.


Blocks are arranged in the world on a 3D grid of one cubic meter cells. Some blocks only take up partial cell, such as slabs and stairs.

Blocks are either generated naturally, upon world creation, or placed by the player. Most blocks do not normally generate, and are only obtained from the block inventory. Blocks are destroyed either when a player breaks the block, or within the radius of a C4 explosion.

Air is a special block, as it is unbreakable and completely transparent. It cannot be accessed through the block inventory.

Certain blocks, such as light blocks and magma, act as lights. The RGB light values emitted vary, and are blocked by opaque blocks. Transparent blocks, such as glass, have no effect on light propagation.


The textures on the faces of blocks are 16x16 pixels.

All blocks have static textures.

List of Blocks

All Blocks

These are all the blocks currently in game.

Utility Blocks

These blocks can be interacted with in game by right clicking on them with an empty hand.

Removed Blocks

These blocks were removed from the game.

  • No blocks have been removed as of yet.

Joke Blocks

These blocks only exist in April Fools' Day joke versions of the game.

  • Block That Really Does Not Want To Exist.png A Block That Really Doesn't Want To Exist
  • Can.png Can
  • Foreshadowing Block.png Foreshadowing Block
  • Red Stone.png Red Stone


Blocks Blue Light.png
Dirt.png DirtGrass.png GrassSand.png SandSnow.png SnowTree Log.png Tree LogWood Planks.png Wood Planks
Lunar Soil.png Lunar SoilLunar Soil Packed.png Lunar Soil PackedStone Basalt.png Stone BasaltMagma.png MagmaCheese.png CheeseHazard.png Hazard
Aluminium Panel.png Aluminium PanelAsphalt Block.png AsphaltBoombox.png BoomboxC4.png C4Glass.png GlassMetal Panel.png Metal PanelLight Block Animation.gif Light Block
Water.png Water
Debug Block.png Debug Block