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Medkit is a consumable healing tool that recovers 1 health bar on use. It is the only item in the game you can interact with.

Items Stone pickaxe icon.png
Tools Stone pickaxe icon.png Stone PickaxePickaxe iron.png Iron Pickaxe • Pickaxe aluminium.png Aluminium Pickaxe • Stone axe icon.png Stone AxeAxe iron.png Iron Axe • Axe aluminium.png Aluminium Axe • Stone shovel icon.png Stone ShovelShovel iron.png Iron Shovel • Shovel aluminium.png Aluminium Shovel • Medkit icon.png MedkitMedkit gold.png Golden Medkit
Others Stick icon.png StickIngot iron.png Iron ingot • Ingot aluminium.png Aluminium ingot • Ingot gold.png Gold ingot