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I'm planning on working on Fabric documentation, but there's one small catch, there's more modloaders now than we could ever need. Are we supposed to document them all? Or should I try and focus on just "Fabric" and not "Cosmosis" or "Cosmic Quilt". Would have been better for the community to come together as one on the modding department instead of making loads of different ways to mod the game. It'd probably be better if someone with Discord access wrote the Fabric Documentation but seeing how thigs are, I might have to do it and unfortunately, I'm not really as skilled with it when it comes to Java modding. GalacticLoader is very daunting to me because theres no guides or anything they just dumped source code and a JAR file to GitHub with no explanation or elaboration.

If there's a guide on Discord that you want to port over, you're more than welcome to do so, rather than me attempting to run around in the dark with this stuff.
Thanks, -- Lachrymogenic

I think "Cosmosis" is just a setup of "Fabric". This probably means that we're probably going with fabric as modloader and we should just try to improve and unify documentation to one good example and one good template. However I'm not a pro so i can't really write the guides i was just putting current information together in an attempt to make it clear what already exists. --Matteo (talk) 22:00, 20 March 2024 (UTC)

You contributions are useful to me, as I'm largely disconnected from most of the internet and most social media with a few exceptions (like YouTube) by my own personal will, so I wouldn't have known that most of these things existed if someone didn't upload it to the wiki. I just kind of assumed someone in that field would come here and do so, but looking at the work that I've done for Data Modding on this wiki, I might have to write up another documentation for Fabric aswell. GalacticLoader will be for loading mods and I think Cosmosis is for developing them, with this in mind, I'll focus on how to install the modloader and mods first and then how to actually use the resources you provided in order to make modifications. Perhaps a YouTube tutorial would also be better as Modding is quite the task and I want these guides to be friendly to everyone, even complete newcomers. -- Lachrymogenic