Region format

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Below is a description of the Cosmic Reach region format, as a reference for external save editors.


All numbers are encoded in big endian (most significant byte first) unless otherwise explicitly stated. These are different types of data that the save system uses. Most integer types are signed. Single bytes, nibbles & half nibbles are unsigned. The data types used by the game may change in future versions of the save format, and some may be unused despite being defined by the game.

Arrays are represented as the type's name and size, e.g. s32[4096] represents 4096 s32 values in order.

Data types
Type Canonical Name Description
s32 int A signed 32 bit (4 byte) integer.
s16 short A signed 16 bit (2 byte) integer.
u8 byte An unsigned 8 bit (1 byte) integer.
u4 nibble An unsigned 4 bit (half-byte) integer.
u2 half nibble An unsigned 2 bit (quarter-byte) integer.
f32 float A 32 bit float.
string String A variable-length piece of text prefixed by its length encoded as an s32.
f32[3] Vector3 Three floats typically used to encode things like precise positions (XYZ), colors (RGB), etc.


Region header
Field Type Possible values Comment
Magic s32 0xFFECCEAC Never changes, used for validation/identification.
FileVersion s32 0 Increments when the format changes in a non-backwards compatible way. Currently at 0.
CompressionType s32 0: UNCOMPRESSED Not yet used, support for file compression has not been implemented.
ChunkCount s32 0-4096 The number of chunks that are encoded in the data.

Chunk offset table

Each chunk has an offset to its data stored in the file. The game uses these offsets to decide where in the file to begin reading chunk data.

Chunk offsets
Field Type Possible values Comment
ChunkOffsets s32[4096] -1 or absolute offset The positions in the data where each chunk's data begins. A value of -1 means the chunk has not been saved in the file.

Chunk data

The following data is repeated for every chunk in the file. The number of chunks that are encoded are reflected in the header's encoded chunk count.

Chunk Header

Every chunk has a header. This header is used to perform validation. If the index of the chunk data being read does not match the index computed from the chunk's XYZ position the game will generate an exception.

Chunk Header
Field Type Possible values Comment
ChunkSize s32 positive integer The size of the chunk's data in bytes. The game does not currently use this value but does generate it.
FileVersion s32 0 Always equal to the file version of the region when that chunk was last saved.
ChunkX s32 any integer The X coordinate of the chunk in the chunk grid, used for validation.
ChunkY s32 any integer The Y coordinate of the chunk in the chunk grid, used for validation.
ChunkZ s32 any integer The Z coordinate of the chunk in the chunk grid, used for validation.

Block data

Each chunk stores block data in it.

Block data type
Field Type Possible values Comment
ChunkType s8 1: SINGLE_BLOCK, 2: LAYERED The type of chunk block data being stored. SINGLE_BLOCK chunks have a singular block which fills them. LAYERED chunks have a series of block layers.

If the block data type is SINGLE_BLOCK:

Block data type
Field Type Possible values Comment
BlockState string E.g. base:air[default] The namespaced ID and block state of the block which fills this chunk.

If the block data type is LAYERED:

Field Type Possible values Comment
PaletteSize s32 1-4096 The number of unique block state keys in the palette.
Palette string[PaletteSize] Array of strings All unique namespaced ID and block states in the chunk. May contain block states that are never referenced.

Each layer is structured in the following way:

Field Type Possible values
LayerType s8 1: LAYER_SINGLE_BYTE,
LayerBytes Depends on layer type, see below
Field Type Possible values Comment
Value u8 0-255 The index into the palette all blocks in this layer reference.
Field Type Possible values Comment
Value s32 0-4095 The index into the palette all blocks in this layer reference.
Field Type Possible values Comment
Value u2[256] 256 half-nibbles (64 bytes), 0-3 The index into the palette all blocks in this layer reference.
Field Type Possible values Comment
Value u4[256] 256 nibble values (128 bytes), 0-15 The index into the palette all blocks in this layer reference.
Field Type Possible values Comment
Value u8[256] 0-255 The index into the palette all blocks in this layer reference.

Sky light data

The sky light levels for each block in the chunk.

Field Type Possible values Comment
Type u8 1: NONE, 2: LAYERED, 3: SINGLE The type of sky light data stored in the chunk.

If the type field is NONE (1) there will be no sky light data.

If the type field is SINGLE (3) the sky light data will be encoded as follows:

Field Type Possible values Comment
LightLevel u8 0-15 The light level in the entire chunk. Values should not go above 15, although the game does not enforce this.

If the field is LAYERED (2) the sky light data will be encoded as follows:

Field Type Possible values
Layers SkyLightLayer[16] See below
Field Type Possible values Comment
Type u8 1: SINGLE, 2: NIBBLE The type of layer data being encoded.
Field Type Possible values Comment
Type u8 0-15 The light level in the entire layer. Values should not go above 15, although the game does not enforce this.
Field Type Possible values Comment
Type u4[256] 256 nibble values (128 bytes), 0-15 The light levels for each block in the layer.

Block light data

The block light levels & colors for each block in the chunk.

Field Type Possible values Comment
Type u8 1: NONE, 2: LAYERED The type of block light data stored in the chunk.

If the type field is NONE (1) there will be no block light data.

If the field is LAYERED (2) the sky light data will be encoded as follows:

Field Type Possible values
Layers BlockLightLayer[16] See below
Field Type Possible values Comment
Type u8 1: SINGLE, 2: SHORT The type of block light layer being encoded.
1: SINGLE (Light levels per color for the entire layer)
Field Type Possible values
red u8 0-15 Red light level. Values should not go above 15, although the game does not enforce this.
green u8 0-15 Green light level. Values should not go above 15, although the game does not enforce this.
blue u8 0-15 Blue light level. Values should not go above 15, although the game does not enforce this.
1: SHORT (Light levels per block)
Field Type Possible values Comment
Light levels LightLevel[256] See below Light level/color, 4 bits per channel
Field Type Possible values Comment
red u4 0-15 Red light level
green u4 0-15 Green light level
blue u4 0-15 Blue light level
reserved u4 0-15 Not used