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Blocks are the basic units of structure in Cosmic Reach that make up the game's world.

Blocks Blue Light.png
Dirt.png DirtGrass.png GrassSand.png SandSnow.png SnowTree Log.png Tree LogWood Planks.png Wood Planks
Lunar Soil.png Lunar SoilLunar Soil Packed.png Lunar Soil PackedStone Basalt.png Stone BasaltMagma.png MagmaCheese.png CheeseHazard.png Hazard
Aluminium Panel.png Aluminium PanelAsphalt Block.png AsphaltBoombox.png BoomboxC4.png C4Glass.png GlassMetal Panel.png Metal PanelLight Block Animation.gif Light Block
Water.png Water
Debug Block.png Debug Block


This category has only the following subcategory.