Cosmic Reach Distance Effects

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Visual Phenomenon

The Stripe Lands is a graphic phenomenon that the player can experience when going further than 1 million blocks (2^20 or 1048576) on one axis.

They typically look like normal land with half the render missing on the axis orthogonal to the one the player has traveled.

It is possible to hide this phenomenon by looking in specific directions, but this becomes increasingly difficult as the distance rises.

Stripe lands, Nostalgic Islands, Earth day, Pre-Alpha 0.1.28
Stripe lands, Moon, Space day, Pre-Alpha 0.0.1

A corner version exists where the patterns can become more complex.

Corner Stripe lands, Nostalgic Islands, Pre-Alpha 0.1.28

It is still possible to build in this zone, but the precision loss makes it increasingly harder to move and the render is more and more cursed.

Fishing cabin in corner Stripe lands, Nostalgic Islands, Earth day, Pre-Alpha 0.1.28

The rendering will gradually worsen until its complete stop at the Crash Limit

Movement Limits

Due to the precision loss in high coordinates, every means of moving will ultimately stop depending on their speed

Crouching Limit: 2^20 or 1048576 blocks

Sneaking Limit: 2^21 or 2097152 blocks

Walking Limit: 2^22 or 4194304 blocks

Sprinting Limit: 2^23 or 8388608 blocks

Sprint Flying Limit: 2^24 or 16777216 blocks

The Sprint Flying Limit acts like a true world border as sprinting while flying is currently the fastest movement. Moreover, there is a visible break in the continuity of the map from this point.

Movement world border, Moon, Space day, Pre-Alpha 0.1.28

Crash Limit

The game will crash if the player position exceeds 2^31 or 2147483648 on any axis.

The player position appears to be stored as a float. This far on an axis, the precision is reduced to 2^7 or 128 blocks.

The last position accessible without crashing is thus 2^31 - 2^7 or 2147483520.

Note that you must use external programs or manually edit the game data to reach such coordinates, as moving in the game is impossible at such distances.

Finite Coordinates Limit

If we really push the game to crazy coordinates, the F3 will display an '?' and the position saved in the world files will be "Infinity"

The limit is encountered at 2^128 or 3.402823669209385E38.

The last reachable non-infinite position is probably around 2^128 - 2^104 or 3.4028234663852886E38.

Question mark in F3 menu for "infinite" distance


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